Saturday, June 27, 2009


The studio is thick with the scent of old English roses~ I have a friend who is so passionate about his roses, a true rosearian. Yesterday he gifted me a single bloom from his Savannah garden. Its coral splendor against the blues of my walls is incredible. What a pleasure it is to have this rose keep my mind among the garden as I work today.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sketchbooks and fabric

I have a secret..... I have a mad obsession with sketchbooks and fabric. I collect these items the same way birds collect twigs for a new nest. I suppose there is a parallel.... spring birds gather their supplies to make a new home for new life, my sketchbooks and fabrics are the home to my new ideas....that in turn take flight as a new part of me.

I'm currently working on some new dresses for my line. Blues and greens and soft purples flood my studio. I can't wait to have some things up on our website that is being designed!